Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It is nearly upon us... the end of the year/beginning of the year. Really, just like my birthday, the last day of the year/first day of the year feel just like any other day except that on the first day of the year (and the 3 months after it) I keep writing the wrong date on things. Other than that "what year is it" discombobulation, it ain't no thang.
Here is what has been going on with the kitties this past year:
Buyo, while pushing 6-years-old & having become quite crotchety since the integration of Squeenky into the Johnson-Cordray family, can still get the lead out &--if you will note her picture to the left (please click on it for a larger image)--can still turn on a dime.
Squeenky, in the meantime, has been quite busy being the youngest & friskiest kitty of the household--being only around 2-years-young as compared to her senior cats. Though she still takes time out to catch up on her reading (please click on picture of Squeenky for larger image).
Beachwalker has been, surprisingly, Beachwalker.

Updates have been made to some of the other branch-off pages. Please click the Miyuki vs. Hiromi button (VS) to see 6 new pictures! And if you will click on the "S" button you'll go to the Sisters page to see the 2 new pictures added of the girls together, being sisters!
And finally, we tried to take some Christmas portraits of the girls... with great success! All attempts of taking pictures of the girls in the past have resulted in lucky shots. Putting them in specific clothes in a specific pose & getting them to smile at the same time, or at the very least, having one of them not screaming, now that's the challenge. As always, please click on the pictures to see a larger version.
The tree is up! Only 3 ornaments have been broken so far! Looking forward to a great Xmas w/ the grandparents Cordray, obaachan, uncle EJ & aunt Gelie & the California Cordrays!

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